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Food Fact Friday: Strawberries Benefits Storing Recipes

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It is not really known where strawberries got their name, but I did find a legend that kids in the 1800’s were picking them and stringing them on grass straws. Then they would sell them calling them “straws of berries”. Regardless where the name came from they are a very popular berry today. May is the month that Strawberries are in season so you will find the best deals on them in grocery stores. I actually just did the grocery ads for our weekly shopping trip today and 4 different stores have them on sale for about $1.50 lb. So this week’s Food Fact Friday: Strawberries Benefits Storing Recipes


Strawberries are super healthy (Super food) since they have multiple antioxidant phytochemicals which helps prevent the bad cholesterol, improves the functioning of blood vessels and reduces inflammation.  They are also high in Vitamin C, fiber, manganese, and folate. They are a good source of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin K. All of this helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.

When you are choosing strawberries I do try to get organic since they are on the 2017 Dirty Dozen list which just means that grown conventionally they have a ton of pesticides sprayed on them. If you want more information about this check out my blog on Saving Money on Groceries Part 4 Should I Buy Organic, Local, or All Natural?  that has a link to a list I have created of the 2017 Dirty Dozen along with the Clean Fifteen you can print and take with you to the store when you shop.


Next when you are choosing strawberries look for the ones that are firm, bright red (as opposed to a light or white color), green tops, and have no mold.  They will taste so much better if they were picked shortly before you purchased them. This is a great reason to buy local. The farmer’s in your area will pick them the night before or day of bringing them to the Farmer’s market or roadside stand. Once strawberries are picked they no longer ripen instead they will just grow mold so when they are traveling from hundred or more miles away they won’t have as much flavor.

If you are picking them up at the store turn the package over and make sure there isn’t a lot of moisture at the bottom. I personally even open the package up and make sure the moldy ones aren’t hiding in the middle.


When you get strawberries go through to make sure you don’t have any hiding mold and get rid of them. Then, line the bottom of the container with paper towel to soak up any juice and store them in the fridge. They are only suppose to last a few days, but I have been able to keep them about a week by using a fridge air sanitizer. The one I use is called Berry Breeze. You can click on my affiliate link to check it out.


Berry Breeze


I rinse all of my fruits and vegetables in 3 parts vinegar and 1 part water to clean and kill bacteria on them just before eating.  To get the most benefits from strawberries it is best to eat them fresh. I put them in yogurt, salad, or eat them with other berries.

I have  recipes using strawberries right here on my website, but so that you can find them quicker here is a link to all of the recipes with strawberries and I chose a few listed below.

All Strawberry Recipes

Spinach & Berry Salad with Vinaigrette Dressing

Chocolate dipped strawberry carrots

Do you have any favorite recipes you use strawberries in? Share in the comments below!