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Couponing Basics to Extreme Part 1 What Type of Couponer do you want to be?

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This is Part 1 in a series on Couponing Basics to Extreme and Everything in Between that even a very beginner can master this month. Today’s topic is

What type of couponer do you want to be?

Whether or not you are trying to eat healthier,  feed your family more nutritious meals, or just get that paycheck to stretch until the next paycheck we could all save a little money using coupons. My hope is that after you have learned and implemented my tips and resources you will be able to strategically use coupons as a tool in your mom toolbox to save your family money.

In case this is the first time you have came to my blog my name is Shannah Holt and I’m a mom of 8 kids (and 8 furbabies). I’m also a SAHM that has homeschooled for about 15 years now, so living on one income and sometimes less than that with a large family I’ve had to learn the hard way how to stretch that paycheck to survive. I just want to share my tips so you don’t have to go through as much struggle as I have.

Here is a video from a live presentation I did on my Facebook page. I do post tips each day if you would like to check them out here is my page: Fit Frugal Life Facebook Page



First let me start out by saying you don’t have to be an extreme couponer to save money with coupons.

In my opinion there are 3 types of couponers and I am going to relate it to a performer since most people listen to music.

1st type is Amateur or Beginner Couponer: This is where you sing well and perform in local places like schools, churches, weddings, etc. In relation to couponing you would be starting from just learning to finding coupons and using it on something you are already planning to purchase. You use coupons that are stuck on products at the store and in the store sales paper. You are saving a few dollars each time you shop. Most people are here and that is fine if you are okay with just saving a little money or don’t have any time to going further.

2nd type is the Opening Act or the Deal Maker Couponer: So as a singer you are being noticed and asked to open for a headliner at a big event like a concert. In couponing this is the type that will take from an hour to a few hours to plan your shopping trips. You will take some of these strategies I shared last week and match coupons to it so that you can get less than the Rock Bottom price on what your family needs each week. You will even get paid for some items.

3rd type  is the Headliner or the Extreme Couponer: This is when it gets serious right? People are paying top money to see you at the concert and in couponing you will need to put in a little more time as well to reap the benefits, but I’m going to be providing secrets and cheats that will allow you to do this quicker and more efficient so don’t think it takes as much time as a full time job. This couponer will not only save coupons to match with rock bottom prices, but will also purchase many of that item to stock up. They will also pair the sale with more than one type of coupon and end of paying very little on the items and sometimes even being paid to purchase it. This is something I’ve done and want to show you how to do!

Which type of couponer are you now and which do you want to become post in the comments?