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Are YOU taking your own advice?

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Have you ever gave someone advice that you realized later when in the same situation you weren’t following yourself? I was not taking my own advice.

I was hit with that realization this morning like a ton of bricks!

When I have a client in a slump or just having a hard time getting started with something whether it be eating healthier, working out, or just getting something done that they have been putting off I tell them to just do it for 5 minutes. Actually tell yourself “I will do this for just 5 minutes and if I want to continue I will, if not NO BIG DEAL.” Then be proud of yourself for doing that 5 minutes. The next day do it again, then the next do it again. Do this for at least 3 days, but I prefer 4.

I don’t know about you, but I am a chronic perfectionist and my own worst enemy. I’ve always had the mentality that if I can’t do something perfect and all out…forget it I won’t even start. I’ve learned through this I was getting NOTHING started. Or even worse I start it all out full speed ahead and QUIT!

So back to this morning. As you may know if you have followed my last few blogs a week ago our family lost a family member. We were utterly shocked to say the least in finding our dog Rocky not moving in the backyard.  I was knocked down and didn’t want to do anything other than search for reasons why this happened.  Working out and eating healthy was furthest from my mind. Everyday I went through the motions of motivating and inspiring my clients to stay in the game and keep going after their goals, while I was NOT.

I’m still sad and missing Rocky everyday, but I’ve got to remember why I’m doing this. I need to be fit and healthy so I don’t die. That is pretty harsh, but it is the truth. I’ve been given a 2nd chance to have lived through Cancer. I can’t let heart disease, diabetes, or something else that has risk factors from being overweight take that 2nd chance away and leave my family with a loss.

I have been just telling myself that I will work out for 5 minutes and I have done it a little longer that, but I haven’t been proud of myself. I’ve actually been beating myself up about not doing more. Not today! Today I feel proud! I hope you feel proud, because sometimes that is all it takes.

Are you in a slump? Are you having trouble starting? Maybe it is the perfectionists mentality and you keep quitting. I would love to give you my steps to start and stick with your health and fitness goals (psst…they work for other areas of your life as well).

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