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Can Reducing Clutter Help You Lose Weight?

Workout shoes, kettle bell, water bottle, and workout towel sitting on a bed with pastel pink pillows.

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Did you know that the average person in America weighs around 2,000 pounds? Ok, not literally…That’s the typical weight of all the possessions a person owns. Furniture, clothes, seldom-used appliances, unread books, and boxes full of items from the past all contribute to the 2,000-pound weight that you are likely carrying around. But how does reducing clutter help you lose weight?



The idea of “cleaning house” has been a pillar of health and wellness for centuries. Reducing clutter has a chain reaction that benefits your mental, emotional and physical health. Before I talk about those different reactions I want to invite you to my FREE 30 days of spring cleaning and organization challenge.  I will deliver tips, bite-sized tasks, and FREEBIES to your inbox. All you have to do is register below.




Ipad with the 30 Days of Spring Cleaning and Organization Challenge. Click the button to get access to the bite size tasks along with strategies, support, and accountability.


Health Benefits of Reducing Clutter 

Whether it’s that old armchair that no one sits in, or a craft corner that you haven’t used in years, clutter comprised of large items or parts of an entire room eat away at space. This space could be used for weight loss and health goals. For example, the craft corner that has slowly overwhelmed an entire room could easily be used as a place for yoga or to do at home digital workouts.



How Clutter Harms a Healthy Routine

Picture this: you wake up to a messy, overstuffed closet and spend too much time trying to find something to wear. You’re running late so you run through the fast food line for a quickie coffee and pastry on your way to work. Or you simply skip breakfast altogether, slowing your metabolism. Your hunger hormone levels go up and you are more likely to overindulge when lunch comes around.


Learn more about Hunger Hormones in my blogs about Ghrelin and Leptin.


The same thing is true when you arrive home for the evening and are bogged down by a cluttered home that is need of cleaning and organizing to make space to breathe. It’s pretty obvious how an over-cluttered home can cause a negative effect on your plans to lose weight and get healthy. Reduce clutter and put your home on a diet and watch the scale shift as you clean house.


Maintaining Organized Home = Maintaining Target Weight

There is a direct correlation between maintaining a home that is clean, cozy and clutter free and maintaining your target weight. Starting any journey to lose weight should start with a clean slate, and that includes a clean home.

A weight loss journey isn’t simply focused around shedding extra pounds. It is about a healthy lifestyle that sheds unwanted habits like junk food, fast food, and high-sugar drinks.

Organizing and reducing clutter in your physical space will give you a jump start to organizing your mental space, kicking off your weight loss. By the way, I also have an awesome wellness to weight loss program for women called Sisterhood of the Shrinking Pants. Get the details below!



Before and after transformations of real people getting real results in the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Pants Wellness to weight loss program Click here to join today!


Clutter Creates Stress 

It’s no secret that having clutter in your home brings stress right along with it. No one gets a good reaction when they have to wade through an overstuffed closet or a garage packed with boxes that haven’t been touched in a decade.

With all the stress going on, shortcuts begin to look very appealing. If you’re a parent, you likely will seek a shortcut for yourself first, as parents tend to focus on putting their family first.

This can also be true of most people with a full-time job. The first things to go are usually skipping the workout and not taking the time to properly plan your own meals. An organized home fuels an organized life, helping you shed stress and those unwanted pounds with ease.



Overweight woman on a scale looking a little annoyed and surprised at the number on the scale. Text How Reducing Clutter Helps You to Lose Weight


How Does Reducing Clutter Improve Diet and Exercise Habits?

By now, I’ve convinced you that having an organized home is good for your physical and mental health. But you might not know how that will actually make it easier to stay motivated to choose healthy food and exercise. Here are some different ways that reducing your clutter in your living space can actually help you to stick to a good workout routine and even eat a healthier diet.



Reducing Clutter Saves Time

For starters, having an organized home free of clutter can free up some time that you can devote to your workout routine. You don’t need to spend as much time tidying up a well-organized home, nor will you ever have to dig through piles of clutter to find what you need when you need it. This saves up more time than you would think, time that you can use to devote to your workout schedule or cooking healthier meals.



Do you have that one spot that you keep piling up and you are just too overwhelmed to deal with? Join the FREE decluttering challenge with my friends at Ultimate Bundles teamed and Dana K. White, the founder of to bring you the Declutter Your Scariest Space Challenge.



Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2019


Reducing Clutter Reduces Stress Eating

Clutter=Chaos=Stress. Not only is reducing clutter good for your mental health, but it will also help you stop stress eating. Most people are more likely to reach for unhealthy junk food when feeling stressed. Few things are more stressful in a person’s daily life than having a messy home. Stress eating is a huge factor that will deter your weight loss. If you can reduce it even a little by getting organized it will help your chances to lose weight.



You might be interested in my blog Stress Eating: Why Do I Overeat and How to stop?



Reducing Clutter Puts You in a Healthier Mindset

Do you have trouble sticking to a regular workout schedule? Based on research decluttering and organizing your home might help you with that. A recent study has shown that those who have a definite workout plan and schedule are more apt to stick to their workout routine. It also says you will benefit from having a routine over simply just showing up at the gym whenever it’s the most convenient.

It may sound like this has little to do with keeping an organized home, but hear me out.  Reducing clutter and keeping everything in its place will put you in a healthier mindset. This will make it easier to stick to your workout schedule.


But Where to Start? 

Generally speaking, having an organized home that is relatively free of clutter will improve your physical and mental health. It isn’t guaranteed to keep you eating right and working out regularly, but it will make these things easier.

Have you found it difficult to stick to your New Year’s resolution to get into better shape? Take a look at your home. Getting and keeping things organized might be the motivation you need to get back into the gym.

But where to begin reducing clutter? Start with my free 30-day spring cleaning challenge. I send you daily tips and a task every day in April. Miss a day or take longer to finish? That is ok you will have access to all 30 days once you start. I will also be sending some sweet freebie bonuses your way too just to make things easier. Join here or by clicking the red button below.



Ipad with the 30 Days of Spring Cleaning and Organization Challenge. Click the button to get access to the bite size tasks along with strategies, support, and accountability.


Free Decluttering Challenge Step by step instructions to get through your scariest space.

31 Responses to Can Reducing Clutter Help You Lose Weight?

  1. Kristin says:

    Decluttering helps get rid of so much stress! It really is a great feeling when it’s done and I can definitely see how that helps with losing weight.

  2. Julie says:

    I totally agree that clutter causes stress so I can see how weight loss is associated with a clutter free home. I have definitely found as I’ve gotten older that I feel better when my home is clean! A spring clean night just be in order this weekend!

  3. Talya says:

    How infesting I’ve never thought about this before but I am obsessed with decluttering so hopefully some good news there!

  4. I love how you meshed these two ideas together! I totally believe that clutter does impact your health. Seeing clutter and messes stresses me out, which causes me to snack more!

  5. Kay says:

    Wow! This post really hits the mark! I have never thought of clutter in this way but when my home is organised I feel better mentally and therefore I think about things like meal prep and therefore think of what healthier options I could have. I get up earlier and have time to work out or make lunch. It’s a roll on effect I had never even noticed before but it’s so true decluttering really does promote weight loss!

  6. Kristina says:

    Great article with great points and tips! I totally agree with all that you said. If my house is messy and I’m overwhelmed, sometimes I just give up on cleaning and then I end up doing something lazy and stress eating instead. When I declutter, it’s easier to keep the home clean and then I feel better, have more time to exercise and get out and do fun stuff and I’m not stressed. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. I had no idea there was a connection between clutter and weight! But now it makes sense! I need to clean out my junk drawer now before swimsuit season! ?

  8. Monica Draud says:

    It’s mental isn’t it? Clutter is the physical embodiment of your mental state sometimes. Decluttering is sometimes all you need to get motivated.

  9. Natalie says:

    Love this post! So many great things to think about and a point of view I never really had before. Definitely going to try it out 🙂

  10. Krystin says:

    Very interesting read! I hate clutter, I’m constantly organizing everything. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Geeky Daddy says:

    Interesting read. I never thought about the correlation of of de-cluttering and weight loss before.

  12. Mz_Ola says:

    Wow, never truly considered the true benefits of de-cluttering. It’s fascinating to link clutter and stress eating. Thanks for this

  13. Ellen says:

    Im not overweight but I do see decluttering as an exercise (for me). Im always out of breath and tired after organising and decluttering my room.

  14. Madi says:

    I love this way of thinking! I definitely think reducing clutter can help you lose weight & just feel overall lighter! Such a great read!

    -Madi xo |

  15. Carolyn says:

    This isn’t the only reason why, but I definitely try to live a clutter-free life and keep a clutter-free home! Very informative!

  16. Joyce says:

    Interesting read! I do believe keeping a clean and clutter free life helps in so many ways!

  17. Yes! It DOES help! I remember my house being mega clean while I was at the peak of my weight loss journey. It helps to focus on anything else other than food 🙂

    1. Shannah Holt says:

      So true! Congrats on the success of your journey!

  18. Meagen says:

    What an interesting concept – I am not a fan of clutter and actually get happy about clean our days!

  19. Marysa says:

    I do agree that clutter creates stress! I am trying to declutter as much as possible lately. It is a lot less work to maintain a house when there is less STUFF! I can see how it could affect your health.

    1. Shannah Holt says:

      Good luck and yes it sure is, but we do love our stuff huh?

  20. I definitely need to declutter my house. I love knowing it has the added benefits!

  21. Melissa Cushing says:

    I am positive that this will work as 30 days of organizing and cleaning gets you moving which means you will lose some weight 🙂 Believe it or not…standing versus sitting at my desk helps me to burn calories as well. It is about getting up and moving around…. in fact standing half of your day (for me anyways as a blogger) for a full month burns as many calories as running a marathon.

    1. Shannah Holt says:

      Oh wow that is interesting! I will have to try that myself!

  22. Ceci Rey says:

    I am about to start decluttering my home. I needed to read this for inspiration. WIsh me luck!

  23. Rupy says:

    I agree with your thoughts. Whenever I feel stressed or miss my workout then I started to do cleaning at home. It is a good workout.

    1. Shannah Holt says:

      Yep just turn on some music and dance around the house cleaning, lol

  24. fakrul hasan says:

    Rally a beautiful and useful Article. I learned a lot from here that I had never known before. Many thanks for giving such an informative article.

    1. Shannah Holt says:

      Thanks! Hope you have a clutter-free home quickly!